Get-VMHostStorage -VMHost 172.16.15.* | Set-VMHostStorage -SoftwareIScsiEnabled $true
$hba = $GETHOST | Get-VMHostHba -type IScsi | ?{$_.Model -like "*iSCSI Software*"}$target = ""New-IScsiHbaTarget -IScsiHba $hba -Address $target -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
#FQDNs or IP addresses of ESXi Hosts to Configure#Enclose each host in quotes and separate with a comma.#此处输入要修改的esxi主机地址,Example: $ESXiHosts = "",""$ESXiHosts = "", ""# Prompt for ESXi Root Credentials$esxcred = Get-Credential #Connect to each host defined in $ESXiHostsConnect-viserver -Server $ESXiHosts -Credential $esxcred# Set $targets to the SendTargets you want to add. Enclose each target in quotes and separate with a comma.# 此处输入iscsi目标服务器地址,可以是多个地址,Example: $targets = "", "", "", ""$targets = ""foreach ($esx in $ESXiHosts) {# Enable Software iSCSI Adapter on each host Write-Host "Enabling Software iSCSI Adapter on $esx ..." Get-VMHostStorage -VMHost $esx | Set-VMHostStorage -SoftwareIScsiEnabled $True# Just a sleep to wait for the adapter to load Write-Host "Sleeping for 5 Seconds..." -ForegroundColor Green Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Write-Host "OK Here we go..." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Adding iSCSI SendTargets..." -ForegroundColor Green $hba = Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostHba -Type iScsi | ?{$_.Model -like "*iSCSI Software*"} foreach ($target in $targets) {# Check to see if the SendTarget exist, if not add it if (Get-IScsiHbaTarget -IScsiHba $hba -Type Send | Where {$_.Address -cmatch $target}) { Write-Host "The target $target does exist on $esx" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host "The target $target doesn't exist on $esx" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Creating $target on $esx ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow New-IScsiHbaTarget -IScsiHba $hba -Address $target } }}Write "`n Done - Disconnecting from $ESXiHosts"Disconnect-VIServer -Server * -Force -Confirm:$falseWrite-Host "Done! Now go manually add the iSCSI vmk bindings to the Software iSCSI Adapter and Resan." -ForegroundColor Green